Thursday, May 31, 2007

A powerful marketing e-mail

We recently received a powerful marketing e-mail, sent from a photographer to his clients. He sent a message promoting one of the products he offers - DVD slide shows - to all of his wedding guests. Within his e-mail, he included helpful information about the product and how to order. Even though his clients were previously sent e-mail notifications about the event site, this specific e-mail was catered toward providing information and awareness about a product the photographer really wanted to sell.

If you aren’t familiar with power marketing e-mails, this tool that offers is a quick, easy way to reach out to your current and potential customers. When event guests log in to their event, their e-mail addresses are automatically stored. You can then send an e-mail to a selection (or all) of these event guests.

A lot of our photographers use the power marketing e-mail to remind their clients to order prints, notify their clients about their new website or blog, or offer specials such as free shipping.

The power marketing e-mail is a tool that has dramatically changed studios. realizes this and consequently highlights one such studio each month who has sent an effective power marketing e-mail and honors them with our Power Marketing E-mail of the Month Award. Their words and their work are featured in the
collagesNewsletter, which is viewed by thousands.

If you would like to learn more about Power Marketing E-mails, visit our
Build your Brand website.

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