Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Shoot with your final print in mind!

While your images candidly capture the spontaneity of your clients’ special day, the presentation of your finished product should reflect a carefully crafted, well thought-out design. The best images to use for creating beautiful prints and products are those taken with the final result in mind; thinking ahead will give you plenty of room for flexibility and creativity when considering your post-shoot options.

Leaving some extra space around the edges of your images is one of the best ways to guarantee a wide selection of choices for possible products. Gallery wraps provide one of the clearest examples of the benefits of photographing with the final print in mind. Rather than framing your subject(s) perfectly, leave some background space available as image bleed to wrap around the edges of the wooden frame. You can always crop out extra space later on, but digitally stretching the background of a closely-shot image requires a good amount of time and effort.

Planning ahead and shooting images with extra background room can also save you a lot of headache when customers order prints online. If you use our Full Service Workflow option and have your reprint orders fulfilled automatically by collagesColor™, guests are prompted to review and modify the crops of their images before they place their order. Oftentimes customers will order a print size that does not correspond with the ratio of the dimensions of the ordered image; in this case, if they fail to crop the image manually, the resulting image will sometimes be cut off in unwanted areas. Shooting your images with extra background space leaves room for careless cropping and customer error.

Learn more about collagesDesktop™ and Collages.net’s Full Service Workflow option.

For more information on all of our products, including gallery wraps, visit our products page.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is a great suggestion!