Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Wedding Season Resolutions - Part II

Here are your top six wedding season resolutions - continued from Friday's post.

6. Let go. Find a portion of your business that you can outsource to a company that you trust. Giving away some of your control can be a good thing.

5. Think outside of the box. Use products in ways you haven’t used them before to increase your studio sales. For example, use albums to create wedding guest books with your couple’s engagement photos.

4. Remember to relax. Take at least one day off during the season to rejuvenate and relax. You deserve it!

3. Be thankful. Let your clients know that you appreciate their business by sending thank you cards after every transaction. By sending your clients one of our High-End Cards as a thank you, not only will your customers appreciate the note, but they’ll know where to go for their own cards.

2. Add some color. Show off your product possibilities. Instead of having just that black leather album as your studio sample, order an album in orange or lime green, too. Chances are your clients will order a black one – but that brightly colored album will capture their attention, and they’ll know that their possibilities are endless.

1. Challenge myself. Even if you shot a wedding at the same venue several times, don’t lose your creativity and your passion. Challenge yourself to find more, broaden your imagination, be daring.

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